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11 products

  • Embrace Stone of Wisdom - Chrysocolla

    Embrace Stone of Wisdom - Chrysocolla

    1 - 2 week US, Canada Delivery, 1-3 week Elsewhere

    You might consider pondering on the powerful concept of wisdom with Chrysocolla, the tranquil blue-green jewel revered as the Stone of Wisdom. This enchanting gem not only inspires your intuitive mind and deeper understandings but also suggests of the Karmic law. True wisdom comes when one is aware that one's actions have consequences. The Universe does seem to teach that our actions have consequences – maybe now, or in another life. Let these crystals for wisdom nudge you to spread kindness. Each kind act brings joy and boosts well-being. Remember, true wisdom merges from real care for others, not just accumulating 'karma points ', which are a metaphor for the positive energy you receive from your good deeds. Explore how these stones of wisdom gently guide your path, bringing meaning and inner peace to your everyday tasks. Get ready for positive growth!   ✨ Chrysocolla inspires deep Wisdom ✨ Wisdom promotes understanding of Karmic law ✨ True wisdom encourages to uplift well-being through positive actions ✨ Wisdom spurs acts of kindness and joy ✨ Karma is integral to Buddhist and New Age teachings ✨ Size: 99 grams, 3.10 x 2.20 x 0.75 inches ✨ Mined in Congo  

    1 - 2 week US, Canada Delivery, 1-3 week Elsewhere


  • Serene Chrysocolla: One of the Crystals for Patience

    Serene Chrysocolla: One of the Crystals for Patience

    1 - 2 week US, Canada Delivery, 1-3 week Elsewhere

    Welcome Chrysocolla, one of the crystals for patience. Admire its vibrant blue hues, reminiscent of a tranquil ocean. This gem from Congo encourages tolerance. You might consider placing it in your room for an inspiration of well-being. After all, it becomes easier to embrace well-being when being patient and tolerant.  Chrysocolla, the crystal that gently whispers of patience. Watch as it sets a peaceful tone every day. Feel its subtle energy lift your spirit and inspire you.  As you embark on a journey towards patience, you might consider allowing Chrysocolla be your guide. This stone can be a constant reminder of the virtues you seek.  ✨ Chrysocolla, one of the stones for patience, is believed to enhance tolerance. ✨ Ethically sourced; good size (3.2" x 2.6" x 1.4"). ✨ Vibrant, aesthetically appealing stone. ✨ Originating from Congo, weighs 181 grams.  ✨ This stone seems to have subtle, nurturing energy that can fill any space.  ✨ Free shipping on orders CAD 100+.

    1 - 2 week US, Canada Delivery, 1-3 week Elsewhere


  • Ignite Your Physical Well-Being with Chrysocolla Crystals

    Ignite Your Physical Well-Being with Chrysocolla Crystals

    1 - 2 week US, Canada Delivery, 1-3 week Elsewhere

    Chrysocolla crystals are believed to have some unique health and well-being properties. Enjoy the soothing beauty of blue chrysocolla! This unique, natural piece has a calming, pleasant colour which can bring joy. This crystal is said to support the adrenal and thyroid glands, regulate heart rate and body temperature.  And for those seeking relief during menstrual cycles, chrysocolla is believed to alleviate discomfort. However, due to its copper content, it must be handled carefully by pregnant women.  ✨Believed to help support thyroid function and metabolism. ✨ Chrysocolla mineral might assist in reducing menstrual discomfort. ✨ Said to enhance overall physical well-being. ✨ Soft, eye-pleasing color ✨ Chrysocolla has natural appeal, mined in Congo. ✨ Believed to aid heart rate and body temperature regulation. ✨ 140 grams, size: 2.90" x2.40" x1.30".  

    1 - 2 week US, Canada Delivery, 1-3 week Elsewhere


  • Embrace Chrysocolla, the Goddess Stone

    Embrace Chrysocolla, the Goddess Stone

    1 - 2 week US, Canada Delivery, 1-3 week Elsewhere

    Chrysocolla is believed to help one unleash her feminine energy. This beautiful stone, known as the Goddess Stone, is said to connect one to the divine feminine.  Discover and embrace your inner Goddess! Integrate a sense of nurturing and strength into your very being! You might consider choosing Chrysocolla to be one of your companions on your life journey.  Chrysocolla, one of the crystals for divine feminine, is one of the symbols of adaptability. It speaks of the need to flow with life's currents, nurturing curiosity and embracing new opportunities. As you consider welcoming the energy of the Stone Goddess into your space, you might find yourself more open to change and new beginnings. ✨ Enhances feminine energy with chrysocolla crystal meaning ✨ might connect you to your inner goddess ✨ believed to help embrace divine feminine energy ✨ is said to encourage adaptability and nurturing qualities ✨ Suitable for home or office ✨ Origin: Congo, 95 grams, 2.60 x 2.10 x 2.00 inches  

    1 - 2 week US, Canada Delivery, 1-3 week Elsewhere


  • Embrace Peace with Chrysocolla Crystals for Peace

    Embrace Peace with Chrysocolla Crystals for Peace

    1 - 2 week US, Canada Delivery, 1-3 week Elsewhere

    Chrysocolla Crystals for Peace and Calm encourage relaxation. After all, Chrysocolla is known for its ability to soothe. The crystal is one of the tools the Universe has given us as a remedy for stress relief.  This crystal's colour inspires calm, and its feel offers comfort. You might consider keeping chrysocolla crystal in your bedroom to inspire restful sleep. Alternatively, you might have the mineral at your work should you feel the need for peace at work.  This crystal might offer some help as it is believed to be one of the crystals for inner peace.  ✨ Believed to calm your mind at bedtime. ✨ Might be used for soothing stressful workspace environments. ✨ One of the tools for achieving inner peace and well-being. ✨ Attractive, soothing colour for relaxation. ✨ Good size for comfort at 156 grams, 3.45 x 2.40 x 2.10 inches. ✨ Mined with care in Congo.  

    1 - 2 week US, Canada Delivery, 1-3 week Elsewhere


  • Embrace Compassion with Stone Chrysocolla

    Embrace Compassion with Stone Chrysocolla

    1 - 2 week US, Canada Delivery, 1-3 week Elsewhere

    Discover unique beauty of the stone chrysocolla. This remarkable crystal seems to teach compassion and kindness as it is uniquely associated with the heart chakra. It's one of the catalysts for self-love and empathy. You might consider envisioning the tranquil ocean and the serene sky when you gaze at the chrysocolla chalcedony. After all, this crystal is a gentle reminder to be soft and calm, just like the sky. Open your heart to spiritual joy! The type of joy that becomes available when you soften yourself.  Experience the comforting embrace of the chrysocolla gemstone's nurturing energy. This stone is one of the teachers of love and care. Thus, it might foster a sense of connection and compassion. It's more than just a lovely stone—it has the potential to open one's heart. In the end, Chrysocolla might provide a supportive presence in your spiritual journey.   ✨ Nurturing crystal: chrysocolla. ✨ Inspires compassion and empathy. ✨ Linked to heart chakra for self-love. ✨ Reflects ocean and sky hues. ✨ Chrysocolla's gentle essence. ✨ Promotes spiritual growth. ✨ Size: 2.50 x 2.00 x 1.60 inches. ✨ Weight: 53 grams. ✨ Sourced from Congo.  

    1 - 2 week US, Canada Delivery, 1-3 week Elsewhere


  • Chrysocolla: One of the Empowering Stones for Throat Chakra

    Chrysocolla: One of the Empowering Stones for Throat Chakra

    1 - 2 week US, Canada Delivery, 1-3 week Elsewhere

    Chrysocolla is considered to be one of the best stones for throat chakra. This makes sense as it is believed to encourage clear and honest communication.  Chrysocolla, one of the stones for communication, is said to facilitate the smooth sharing of feelings and emotions. This fosters relationships built on trust, transparency, and mutual understanding, leading to healthier and more honest connections. Chrysocolla, the crystal for communication, might nudge you towards strengthening your connections as it is believed to foster open sharing. This versatile crystal can be placed in any space to encourage a harmonious environment.  ✨ Chrysocolla encourages honesty and harmony in relationships through communication. ✨ You might consider speaking openly about your feelings and emotions. ✨ Is believed to enhance relationships through fluent sharing. ✨ Weighs 17 grams; sourced from L’Etoile Du Congo Mine, Congo. ✨The mineral measures approximately 1.40 inches by 1.10 inches by 0.75 inches.  ✨ Please note that the crystal is conveniently secured to the stand (please see the pictures).   

    1 - 2 week US, Canada Delivery, 1-3 week Elsewhere


  • Chrysocolla and Malachite: One of the Crystals for Mental Health

    Chrysocolla and Malachite: One of the Crystals for Mental Health

    1 - 2 week US, Canada Delivery, 1-3 week Elsewhere

    Chrysocolla and Malachite is one of the crystals for mental health. It seems to offer some metaphysical benefits for mental well-being.  This crystal might gently nudge you toward letting go of heavy feelings and emotions. Chrysocolla, often referred to as a 'forgiveness stone ', is believed to show a path towards forgiveness. Embrace mental health as you erase those heavy feelings! Teenagers and young people are especially looking for forgiveness. The benefits of the crystal might appeal to them. They might aspire reclaiming mental well-being, their birthright.    Free shipping on orders over CAD $100! ✨ Chrysocolla and Malachite – believed to be Crystals for Forgiveness  ✨ A gentle guide towards releasing guilt   ✨ Is believed to aid in letting go of bitterness and heavy feelings  ✨ Might enhance mental clarity   ✨ Inspires joy   ✨ You can embrace mental health well-being   ✨ Good size for any environment 100 grams, (3"x2"x1.8")   ✨ Mined from L’Etoile Du Congo Mine in Congo.

    1 - 2 week US, Canada Delivery, 1-3 week Elsewhere


  • Malacholla, One of the Crystals for Change

    Malacholla, One of the Crystals for Change

    1 - 2 week US, Canada Delivery, 1-3 week Elsewhere

    🌟 Embrace new beginnings without anxiety and fear! Crystals for Change and New Beginnings serve as inspiration for a serene new start. Malacholla can be a calm companion in times of change.  Change is a constant of life but it does not need to be uneasy. Transformation leads to growth. This Congo gem can gently stir your spirit toward serenity amid life's ups and downs.   Its natural beauty can inspire peace and nudge towards transformation.   Embrace changes without fear on your life journey! Welcome them for they stir your growth. 🌿✨ ✨ You can embrace new beginnings and change on your life path  ✨ Malacholla: Crystal for New Beginnings  ✨ Feel calmer amidst life's changes as you welcome life transitions   ✨ Malacholla is believed to offer inner peace    ✨ is believed to reduce stress   ✨ is said to bring clarity during difficult times   ✨ some use for change transitions   ✨ Experience calm and reduced mistakes during transitions as you embrace changes ✨ Good size: 239 grams, 3.00 inches by 2.25 inches by 2.00 inches.  

    1 - 2 week US, Canada Delivery, 1-3 week Elsewhere


  • Elevate Healing: Welcome Chrysocolla Malachite

    Elevate Healing: Welcome Chrysocolla Malachite

    1 - 2 week US, Canada Delivery, 1-3 week Elsewhere

    Feel lighter and embrace a sense of harmony. Elevate your energy and enhance your emotional well-being. Find inner balance as you heal.  Chrysocolla Malachite is believed to be of an aid on one's healing journey. Chrysocolla and malachite does seem to have serene energy. However, the seeker herself needs to do inner work to release past traumas and negative feelings. The crystal can serve as an inspiration, a muse, and a spiritual aid on her life journey.  Cultivate self-understanding that is so necessary for healing! Let the light of self-awareness shine brightly into your life. Chrysocolla with malachite can serve as a welcome encouragement for you to pursue the self awareness path.      ✨ It's in your ability to release past traumas  ✨ You can clear suppressed emotions  ✨ Crystal size: 2.20" x 1.90" x 1.60"  ✨ Elevate emotional well-being on your path toward healing ✨ Lovingly mined from Congo  ✨ Weighs 113 grams  ✨ Boost energy and positive vibrations as you heal!     ✨ Cultivate a deeper understanding of self as you welcome healing  

    1 - 2 week US, Canada Delivery, 1-3 week Elsewhere


  • Vibrant Malacholla: One of the Crystals for Communication

    Vibrant Malacholla: One of the Crystals for Communication

    1 - 2 week US, Canada Delivery, 1-3 week Elsewhere

    Share your thoughts. Especially what's hidden deep inside, with those whom you deeply trust!  Malacholla is believed to be one of the communication crystals. Some believe that it helps with unlocking what is deep such as subconscious mind.  Talk about things that might be uneasy to address such as secrets. Share them with those who are trustworthy and who are close to you. Malacholla can serve as an inspiration. Nurture your relationships. Speak freely and communicate well. Let your voice be heard. Crystals for communication like Malacholla inspire. Connect deeply with loved ones. Don't hold back; express your innermost self. ✨ Is believed to help with communication skills ✨ is said to unveil subconscious thoughts ✨ Consider sharing hidden truths confidently with those who deserve your trust ✨ Some believe that Malacholla might enhance conversations with loved ones ✨ Healthy communication strengthens personal relationships ✨ Inspires honest self-expression ✨ can encourage revealing secrets to close friends.  ✨ Dimensions: 319 grams,  3.00 inches by 2.05 inches by 1.60 inches. ✨ Mined in Congo  

    1 - 2 week US, Canada Delivery, 1-3 week Elsewhere




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