There are seven cards in the true love tarot spread. Other names for this reading would be the Tarot of Love or Love Tarot New Age, as this reading deals with matters of the heart. You can even simply call this reading Love Tarrot.
First Card of True Love Tarot
The first card of true love tarot addresses the energy between you and your lover. This can be very important as the energetic signature between you can influence the outcome. However, sometimes, the outcome can change despite the energy between you at the moment.
Is the energy between you stagnant? Is it flowing like a river current with emotional expression and mutual reciprocity? The love tarrot spread will help provide answers to such questions.
Should you be single, the first card of the Tarot of Love will address the energy you project that can draw love your way or that can make it difficult for love to enter your life. The love tarot new age reading will give guidance on how to reinforce that energy, should it be positive. It will give advice on how to deal with the energy, should it be making it challenging for love to come into your life.
Second Card of Love Tarot New Age
The second card of love tarrot addresses the greatest strength of the relationship that you can draw upon. It shines a light on the aspect of the bond that makes you stronger as a couple. You can build on this strength and persevere as a couple amid challenges that might arise. You might consider keeping this strength in mind when working through the third card, which will shed light on the main challenge you are to face as a couple.
The second card of The tarot of love shows your main strength in attracting love into your life, should you be single. This strength is different from the energy that you project, which was addressed by the first card. The strength is more specific than energy, which is more broad. The strength can represent your characteristics, a special talent, or a special vibration you emit.
Third Card of The Tarot of Love
The third card represents the main weakness in your bond. It is a weak spot that could be healed or that could be difficult to repair. The love tarot new age reading will provide guidance on how best to heal the weakness in case it could be healed. However, sometimes, the damage can be irreparable. The reading will reveal whether the energies of the situation reveal this to be likely the case.
If you are single, the third card will reveal your main weakness in attracting love. This can be a characteristic, a pattern that is difficult to break, a vibration you project or a mental attitude. Importantly, the focus would be on healing rather than changing your core self, should you be open to the energy of healing.
The love tarot new age reading would provide suggestions on how you could heal those aspects that could stand in the way of attracting a healthy, loving relationship into your life.
Fourth Card of Love Tarrot
The fourth card of the tarot of love will look into the energy of your heart, whether you are in a relationship or you are single. This can be important as you are dealing with matters of the heart. What type of energy resides in your heart? Is it nurturing and ready to flourish to bring forth healing love energy into your life? Is it contracted and needed to be healed? Attune to your heart and let it speak to you in an intuitive language that this reading will do its best to decipher.
Fifth Card of True Love Tarot
The fifth card will glimpse into your near-term future when it comes to matters of the heart. The near future usually encompasses two to three months. This said the near future is different for everyone. It could be one month or even three weeks.
What will your relationship be like in the near future? What can you expect from your love life if you are single? There is a predominant energy at play that will influence your love life, and it will be looked at with the help of love tarrot.
Does that energy incline towards some time alone and introspection so that you can gather your inner resources when the time comes? Alternatively, does it incline you to join dating apps as the timing is right? Is there a flow of emotional connection and fluidity in your relationship in your short-term future? Sometimes, the cards perceive some developments.
Sixth Card of True Love Tarot
The sixth card of the love tarot new age reading gives advice pertaining to the near future. The advice is meant to make your future the most welcoming and nurturing. You can utilize your freedom of will when utilizing this advice. However, sometimes it can be difficult to change some energy. Still, you can utilize your will to try to work with the energy to the best of your ability.
How can you work through the main roadblock in your relationship in the short-term future to the best of your capacity? How can you let go of the stuck energy that is holding you back while exploring dating?
Seventh Card of True Love Tarot
The seventh card is the outcome card. Nevertheless, although it is by far the main card, all the other cards are as important as this one. It speaks of the outcome of the question. It addresses the outcome of the relationship. Alternatively, it foretells the result of your single life. It speaks of the long-term future.
The card can tell you what you can anticipate about your relationship and your single life if you are single. However, this card should not be feared. The tarot of love reading is not a fortune-telling reading. The card can indeed carry a negative meaning. This would not mean that you are destined to stay single forever or that your relationship is doomed for failure, even though some relationships are not meant to be.
The love tarrot reading is meant to heal and provide spiritual guidance. Thus, I would take a deeper look into the situation should the card bear a negative meaning. I would provide guidance and advice on how to navigate past negative meaning so that you can have a positive experience ahead of you and welcome love into your life.
This card will also address the energies of your mid-term future as you will be gradually stepping into your long-term one. So that you can embrace the energies of the mid-term future as you welcome what awaits you.