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Real vs Fake Rhodochrosite: A Crystal Lover's Guide

Real vs Fake Rhodochrosite: A Crystal Lover's Guide

, by Nika White, 22 min reading time

Curious about the differences between real vs fake rhodochrosite crystals? Read this blog to discover the key ways to distinguish between them.

Real vs Fake Rhodochrosite: A Crystal Lover's Guide

Half of the image shows a glowing genuine rhodochrosite, the other half a dull fake.

Key Highlights

  • Rhodochrosite is a pink manganese carbonate mineral. It is used as an ore, a gemstone, and a crystal.
  • It is known for its spiritual properties.
  • It has historical significance, especially in South America.
  • Look at the crystal's color and pattern to spot the real deal
  • Some tests can confirm its authenticity.
  • The fake crystal can be made from quartz, fluorite, or rhodonite.
  • You should care for your crystal as well as store it properly.
  • Sweet Home Mine is popular for producing great specimens.
  • Questions and Answers: Can fake rhodochrosite have healing properties? How can consumers protect themselves from purchasing fake rhodochrosite unknowingly?

rhodochrosite mineral sample

Pink Stone Rhodochrosite

If you have a question: how can you identify fake rhodochrosite from the real one? You are in the right place!

Welcome to the crystal lover's guide to real vs fake rhodochrosite! This guide will help you distinguish between real vs fake rhodochrosite crystal.

It's always best to start with the definition. So, what is rhodochrosite? The crystal is a pink manganese carbonate mineral.

Rhodochrosite creates a complete solid solution series with iron carbonate (siderite). This means that calcium, mg, and zinc can substitute for mn in the structure. This leads to variations in shades of red and pink. These substitutions change the gravity, hardness, and color. The pink color of the crystal can change to grayish, yellowish, or brownish.

So, Can Rhodochrosite be faked?

Fake rhodochrosite is common. But breathe easy. There are red flags. And, with the help of this guide, you will learn to recognize them.

So, what is fake rhodochrosite? Fake rhodochrosite crystal is a form of rhodochrosite made to look like a real crystal, but it is not natural.  It is a pink material that often has shiny, sparkly patterns inside when it is polished. The fake is usually made from transparent material. The transparent material can be cut into faceted gems.

You can identify the fake one using the crystal's general information. Understanding general information about the colors, spectra, alternate names, countries of origin, care instructions, and variety of the stone can help in telling real vs fake rhodochrosite.

Did you know? It is important to care for this crystal. This way, it can continue to be beautiful and useful. You would also need to store it properly.

Did you consider ethical sourcing? This can also be important! Say no to exploitation. Especially if your crystal comes from a country such as South Africa where exploitation is common. One of the locations where the crystal is mined in South Africa is Hotazel mine.

Did you know the crystal is considered the official state mineral of Colorado in the United States!?

We will look at the crystal's properties and historical importance. We will learn how to spot real vs fake rhodochrosite. Discover how to care for your gemstones. Take a look at the things that determine the crystal's value. Let's get into the world of real vs fake rhodochrosite!

Rose quartz bracelet on a wood table.

Banded Rhodochrosite and Beads

Banded rhodochrosite has white and pink stripes or circles. Its banding looks like the one seen in agate or malachite. Banded rhodochrosite is mined in various locations, including Capillitas in Argentina. The mineral can be found in both opaque and translucent forms. Its translucent form shows great clarity. Banded Rhodochrosite is fragile. But its unique patterns and colors make it popular.

Fake rhodochrosite beads are made by mixing powdered mineral material and resin. This gives them the appearance of natural beads. These beads can be difficult to distinguish from the real ones. Be careful when buying them. Look for signs such as clarity, color consistency, and weight.

Fake rhodochrosite stalactites often form in holes inside sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. Manganese minerals are usually involved in the process. The fake ones usually have different properties than the real ones.

Torrevieja Pink Lake in Alicante, Spain

Understanding Rhodochrosite Mineral

If you like red, you might want to know that... rhodochrosite is known for its red color. It is known as the "Inca Rose" due to its connection with the Inca civilization and its rose-like look. The nickname "Inca rose" pays homage to its South American roots, where it is considered a symbol of beauty and culture. Whether called as an Inca rose, this crystal continues to charm people around the world with its unique elegance.

This gemstone is not found in too many places. It is often found in association with other manganese minerals. It holds a special place in the hearts of the people of Argentina in South America. It is found there in large quantities. The gemstone is found in South Africa (especially the Hotazel area), Romania, Peru, Montana, Colorado, Russia, Romania, Spain, Gabon, Mexico, and Canada. Yes, it is even found in Canada! The crystal from Canada has great color variations and patterns. The crystal from Peru is known for its stunning appearance and vibrant coloration. China is one of the countries where fake rhodochrosite is produced. So be careful if you buy the crystal from China.

Like any crystal, the mineral has spiritual properties. It is said to bring a feeling of ease. The feeling where everything comes naturally. Where you feel in flow with life.

The gemstone is believed to bring joy. It lifts depression and sadness. It makes you feel light. Like a heavy burden has been lifted off your shoulders. This gemstone is the right choice if you feel heavy and uninspired. It gives inspiration. Inspiration and purpose...

Do you feel like your life lacks purpose? Do you need more passion in your life? Then, this gemstone can help you. The gemstone is believed to help one find purpose. The purpose that you can passionately follow. That purpose can be anything. A new goal. A new reason to live. This leads us to another question...

Various crystals on a brown background

Do crystals really work? How did they change your life?

Do crystals work? Do they change lives? Some would say that these questions are silly. But they are not! Crystals do work and change lives. At least according to some people. Just hear some stories. Actually, according to many stories, they bring healing. These stories did not just unfold recently. But centuries ago. Many value crystals for mindfulness, intention-setting, and self-reflection. Of course, the effect can be subjective. People have different experiences. Some say that crystals make them more grounded, focused, and balanced. Others say they like their beauty and symbolism. While others say they feel calm and connected to themselves. It depends on one's beliefs and experiences as to whether or not crystals work. My advice: Try to be open-minded with your crystals. See how they resonate with you personally.

In either case, they can make your life more wholesome. Give your life some meaning. They can give it magic, if you believe in magic. They can inspire you to feel a certain way. They can inspire creativity, love... You name it. A crystal can serve as an inspiration or a muse. Some claim that their lives became more meaningful. But it does depend on a person and their belief system. Everyone is different. Everyone's experiences are different. It does depend on how open you are to the crystal's energy. How open are you to receiving? The crystal may give. But the question is: Are you open to receiving?

Another question comes to mind: How much does a real crystal cost? The cost of a real crystal can vary. It depends on its type, size, quality, and rarity. Some common crystals such as amethyst or citrine can range from a few dollars to a few hundred dollars per piece. Rarer or larger crystals like emeralds or diamonds can cost much more - thousands or even millions of dollars. Look for the type of crystal you like. Check with sellers you can trust to get an idea of the price.

Truck transporting rocks at a platinum mining and processing sit


This crystal from Colorado is some of the best. But not if it's fake! You see, fake rhodochrosite from Colorado is popular. This gem from Colorado is valuable and expensive. Collectors love it. They love it for its color and quality. The crystal from Colorado comes in facetable gems up to 2-4 carats. But be careful when purchasing them. You want to make sure you are getting a real deal!

The Sweet Home Mine in Alma, Colorado is famous for producing some of the best specimens in the world. It is known for its reddish-pink color. It also tends to have distinct crystal formations. Collectors value the gems from the Sweet Home Mine, Colorado, Alma. The ones from this Colorado mine are rare.

Argentina flag with Cerro Tolosa Mountain in Cordillera de Los Andes - Mendoza Province, Argentina

Argentina and Africa:

The crystal is often found in Argentina. It is a popular choice for cabochons and jewelry. It is also this country's national gemstone. Sometimes the gem is found in large pieces. Even decorative boxes are made from it in this country! A transparent gem can be cut into stones up to about 20 carats. So can fake rhodochrosite. Fake rhodochrosite can display trapiche-like patterns.The patterns similar to those found in the real gem from the Capillitas mine in Catamarca Province. That's why it can be difficult to tell the fake specimen from the real deal.

Large facetable gems can be found in South Africa. But, larger clean stones are rare. And they come at a high price. Fake rhodochrosite often comes from Africa. That's why you should be careful if buying the gemstone from this country. Something else to worry about. Exploitation exists in countries like South Africa. Try to buy ethically sourced gems if buying from this country. Crystals are especially popular from the Hotazel area of South Africa.

rhodochrosite mineral sample

Real VS Fake Rhodochrosite Gem

So, how do you test for Rhodochrosite? Well, here are a couple of clues.

Clue number one: Feel the weight. Real crystal tends to be heavier due to its mineral content.

Clue number two: Observe the texture. It should be smooth yet slightly waxy.

Clue number three: Color and pattern consistency. Real gemstones show a harmonious blend.

Rhodochrosite Color, Rhodochrosite Luster, Cleavage and Birefringence

The gemstone shows a variety of hues. The hues range from soft pink to deep red, often with white bands or swirls. The gemstone forms beautiful banded patterns. Each piece is different because of its unique colors and patterns. Variations can happen due to other minerals, like manganese silicate or calcium. Sometimes, the color may differ because of the origin, such as in South Africa or Japan.

Another thing to watch out for is luster. The gemstone has a pearly luster. The good clues to spotting fake rhodochrosite are color, pattern, and luster.

The gemstone has perfect cleavage in three directions. This makes it hard to cut with gem-cutters and wear. After all, it has low hardness and is sensitive to heat. Still, this gem is often used in jewelry as it is a beautiful stone. Especially,the gemstone from Argentina is popular for jewelry uses. And, it can occur in large pieces. It is also often used as a decorative stone.

A fake one has cleavage in the carbonate rhombohedral system. With their fragility and heat sensitivity, fake stones can be difficult to cut and wear as well. However, in protective settings, these crystals can still be used for various jewelry purposes.

The gem shows high birefringence. Birefringence is an important optical property. It is used to tell real vs fake rhodochrosite. The property causes a strong doubling effect in the specimen if you look at it with a microscope. This quality can help gemologists identify real specimens.

Close up view of a flask with stones in hand of a biochemist

Manganese and Iron

Fake rhodochrosite is often composed of mn. This mineral is found in both fake rhodochrosite and real one. This makes the fake one look like a real deal. 

The fake is often made by substituting iron (Fe) for manganese carbonate to look like the real one. This change in chemical composition affects the color, hardness, and gravity.

The fake crystal may contain magnesium as a substitute element in its composition, altering its gravity and color. Magnesium can lead to lighter shades of red and pink in the stone.

Tests to Confirm Authenticity: (refractive index, hardness, gravity)

Are there any specific tests that can be done to determine the authenticity of rhodochrosite? Yes, there are. Run a gravity test. This test can spot fakes due to their density. Real gemstone has distinctive optical properties. Its refractive index can be identified with a refractometer. It has an index of around 1.6 to 1.8. You can perform a test using the Mohs scale. Real gemstone shows a Mohs hardness between 3.5 - 4.00. All of these tests can tell you if your specimen is real.


  • Visual Test: Be careful of uniform color or excessive banding.
  • Scratch Test: Perform a scratch test using a harder substance. The crystal should scratch easily.
  • Specific Gravity Test: Crystal's specific gravity is approximately 3.5-3.7 g/cm³. Measure the stone's weight in air and water to calculate its gravity.
  • UV Light Test: Some types of the gemstone may show fluorescence under ultraviolet (UV) light. This can help distinguish between real vs fake rhodochrosite.
  • Acid Test: The stone is sensitive to acids like vinegar or lemon juice. A small acid drop on an inconspicuous stone part can help determine its reactivity.

Close up view of plastic bottles

Spotting Fake Rhodochrosite Rock

This gemstone is popular. That's why there are many fakes. Plastic and glass are used to mimic its color. Be cautious of low prices. Look out for inconsistent patterns. These can indicate fake. And look at the gemstones closely to spot any inconsistencies. You might ask: How to get a rhodochrosite from here? The answer is to buy from sellers you can trust! You can always trust us. We only source minerals from trusted sources. Such as directly from mines or suppliers who deal with miners.

Common Imitation Materials

You might wonder: is this real rhodochrosite? I will try to answer your question. Fake rhodochrosite is usually produced using dyed dolomite, pink calcite, and glass. These specimens may look like the real deal. But they do not have the gemstone's properties. Dyed dolomite often shows similar pink hues. The glass can imitate the translucency of real crystal. You should be careful of pink calcite. The specimen's colour patterns are similar to the ones found in the real crystal. Understanding these imitations can help you spot fake rhodochrosite.

A female hand holding a small teardrop-shaped crystal in the light sky blue background

Quartz, Fluorite and Rhodonite

Fluorite looks similar to the gem. And, it is often used as fake rhodochrosite. But fluorite has its own different properties.

Rhodonite has a similar pink color to the gemstone. It also has a similar manganese-rich composition. That's why it's easy for rhodonite to look like fake rhodochrosite. But rhodonite is tougher than the crystal. Rhodonite also has perfect cleavage, which is prismatic. It is a pretty hard stone and has a weak effervescence. Rhodonite gems tend to show great clarity.

You might ask: Rhodochrosite Or Dyed Fake? Fake rhodochrosite is often made by combining quartz with dyes and colors. But, this cheaper specimen is tougher. It is more resistant to scratches. So, if it does not scratch as easily then it might be fake rhodochrosite.

Red Flags

What is the value of a rhodochrosite? Quality specimen is valuable. Its price reflects its value. So, here are some red flags to watch out for. The number one red flag is pricing. Especially for large pieces. If a price seems to be too low - it is likely fake.

This leads to the question: How does the price of fake rhodochrosite compare to genuine rhodochrosite? Fake rhodochrosite is much cheaper. It is made out of cheap materials such as glass or plastic. The price difference can be great. Fake rhodochrosite can be sold at a fraction of the cost of a real one.

The number two red flag is color. Check for inconsistent coloring or overly vibrant red hues. This indicates fake materials.

The number three red flag is perfection. Fake rhodochrosite looks perfect. A natural one has imperfections. Remember, nothing in nature is perfect. If it seems too good to be true, it probably is.

Four female hands reaching to each other

What are the ethical implications of selling fake rhodochrosite in the market?

There are several ethical concerns:

  • Deception: Selling fake rhodochrosite as real is deceptive. This harms trust and credibility between buyers and sellers.
  • Consumer Rights: You have the right to accurate information about what you buy. Selling fake rhodochrosite violates that right.
  • Reputation Damage: Selling fake products damages the reputation of the seller and the market. It is difficult to regain trust.
  • Legal Consequences: Selling fake goods is illegal in many jurisdictions. This can cause legal actions, fines, and penalties.

Selling fake rhodochrosite is not only wrong but also has negative consequences. It is important to be honest as a seller.

Woman sitting on grass under high big tree trunk near lake or river with her eyes closed, enjoying herself. Likely meditating. She is wearing a navy blue summer dress.

Are there any health risks associated with wearing or using fake rhodochrosite?

Fake rhodochrosite does not seem to cause direct health risks. However, fake rhodochrosite may have materials or coatings that can cause skin irritation or allergic reactions. Buy from sellers you trust! You want to avoid any skin contact with any unknown or potentially allergenic materials. Stop using the product if you have any skin reactions while wearing or using it! You might also speak to a dermatologist in such a case.

What measures are being taken by authorities to regulate the sale of fraudulent gemstones like fake rhodochrosite?

Authorities are trying to help. Some of the actions they are taking are:

  • Monitoring and Inspections: Authorities are doing monitoring and inspections. This is done to stop the sale of fake crystals.
  • Regulations and standards: There are regulations and standards. Sellers must follow them when selling gemstones.
  • Collaboration with industry experts: Authorities are collaborating with industry experts, gemologists, and other professionals. This is done to identify fake gemstones. Consumers are educated on how to spot fakes.
  • Legal actions against offenders: Authorities are taking legal actions against individuals or businesses found selling fake gemstones. There are fines and penalties.

Rest assured. Authorities do their best to protect us.

A close up view of the yellow solution in a flask near a colourless solution in a flask. The solutions are on a card or a table that has a mesh.

What are the common methods used to produce fake rhodochrosite?

Fake rhodochrosite is usually made using the following methods:

  • Dyeing: The stone is dyed. Then, its color looks similar to the color of the natural stone.
  • Imitation: Some materials like glass or plastic are shaped and colored to look like real stone.
  • Composite: different materials are combined to look like the real gemstone.
  • Synthetic Production: the gem is made in the lab.

Caring for Your Rhodochrosite Gemstone

So, how do you care for the gemstone? Gentle care is important. So is regular cleansing. Rinse your gemstones in lukewarm water. Pat them dry with a soft cloth. Do not expose them to harsh chemicals or direct sunlight. Do not expose them to heat! This can fade the color and damage the stone. Store your gemstone away from other harder minerals. This prevents scratches. You can always use individual pouches.

How to charge the gemstone? Consider charging it under the moonlight or with selenite. Have amethyst at hand? Charge it with amethyst! You can also do smudging or sound cleansing. Whatever works for you!

FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Does fake rhodochrosite crystal have healing abilities?

Do you know about the placebo effect? Well, fake rhodochrosite can have that effect. It does not have the energy of a real crystal. But you might believe that it does. And it is your belief and your energy that might create the change.

Is rhodochrosite valuable?

It depends on so many things. To begin with... Raw stone is not that valuable. But a gem-quality one is. It also depends on the location. The gemstone from Colorado is expensive. Clarity also matters. Lower-clarity gems are less valuable. Some low-clarity gems cost $20 per carat. Also, look for a smooth surface. The one that is free of visible cracks, chips, or scratches. You want the gemstone free of those.

If you ask: how can you tell high quality Rhodochrosite? And, I am talking about rougher stones. Not gemstones. The answer is simple - it has a red-to-pink color. It shows distinct banding or patterns. It has a vibrant and consistent color. The stone does not have any dull areas or discoloration.

What is gem quality rhodochrosite price?

The price depends on many things. Things as clarity, cut, colour intensity, location. The medium color intensity is the most popular. Medium red-orangey colour is the most popular. The following are the prices per carat. The gems of this color cost between $400 - $450. Medium pink and red gemstones cost about $350. Light pink gem costs about $250. One with medium dark red shade is usually sold for $200.

Colorado: How much is rhodochrosite worth?

You might wonder how pricy the gem from Colorado is. Well, it can be expensive. It can be as high as $10,000 or as low as $100 per carat! Of course, the gem costs that much if it is of a really high clarity. Lower-clarity ones cost much less. As you can see, the prices on the market vary.

Argentina: How much does rhodochrosite cost?

You probably saw this crystal from Argentina. Gems from this country are common. So you might wonder what the average price is. This question is not that easy to answer. There are many sellers. And they ask for different prices. The prices range from $20 to $1,000 per carat. They may be even lower or higher. It all depends on the seller. But the prices do tend to reflect quality.

Is rhodochrosite rare?

The well-formed gemstone is rare. The "best" specimen has a name. It is the largest specimen as well. You might ask: what is the name of this crystal? It is Alma King. It is about 14 cm by 16.50 cm. The specimen was collected from the Sweet Home Mine, Alma, Colorado, United States in 1992. By looking at it, you can tell how unique it is. How rare it is. It hits you that this crystal, when it is well-formed, is indeed rare.

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