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230 products

  • Charoite, One of the Crystals for Physical Health

    Charoite, One of the Crystals for Physical Health

    1 - 2 week US, Canada Delivery, 1-3 week Elsewhere

    Some believe charoite helps balance your body. It is believed to be one of the crystals for physical health. Some use this crystal to cleanse the body of toxins and relieve headaches. But it's not just your physical health that might benefit when you take care of yourself. Emotional and mental brightening begins when your physical health thrives, offering a beacon of hope in your wellness journey. There seems to be a connection between emotional health and physical health and crystals do seem to favourably influence our emotional well-being. They are a welcome addition to our lives and there is something about them that makes our lives brighter.  ✨ might be a Crystal for Good Health ✨ is believed to be one of the crystals for headaches ✨ Purported to cleanse the body of toxins ✨ Available free shipping on orders of CAD $100 and over ✨ is said to invite clarity and eradicate stress ✨ 48 grams, 3.20 inches by 2.10 inches by 0.30 inches, from Yakutia, Russia  

    1 - 2 week US, Canada Delivery, 1-3 week Elsewhere


  • Charoite: One of the Crown Chakra Crystals

    Charoite: One of the Crown Chakra Crystals

    1 - 2 week US, Canada Delivery, 1-3 week Elsewhere

    Charoite is believed to be one of the crown chakra crystals. It is said to help stimulate the seventh chakra. When crown chakra is balanced we tend to live in a state of spiritual harmony. Walk the path towards oneness! Embrace the virtues of compassion and love! Sense unity with nature and the creatures around you! Unleash the power of your seventh chakra with positivity and gratitude. Gratitude can open the doors to a spiritual mindset, which can be essential for opening the gateway to higher chakras. Charoite, a gem from Yakutia, Russia, can inspire you.            ✨ Charoite is believed to be one of the crystals for crown chakra ✨ You might consider harmonizing with this 60-carat Yakutia-sourced gemstone, dimensions: 2.40"x1.10"x0.25".  ✨  invigorate your inner harmony with a spiritual mindset.  ✨ Cultivate warm, compassionate connections with others on your spiritual path.  ✨ Savor life's unity and nature's strength  ✨ Embrace oneness, illuminating life's beauty.  ✨ Feel peaceful and go with life’s serene flow. 🌟 Effortless, free shipping with CAD $100+ orders.  

    1 - 2 week US, Canada Delivery, 1-3 week Elsewhere


  • Charoite: One of the Crystals for Nightmares

    Charoite: One of the Crystals for Nightmares

    1 - 2 week US, Canada Delivery, 1-3 week Elsewhere

    Allow the Universe to gently cradle your nightly dreams as you follow a spiritual path! Embrace patience, forgiveness, and love as you drift into a serene slumber at night!  Charoite is believed to be one of the crystals for nightmares. After all, it might inspire such positive states of mind and emotions that tend to drive nightmares away. However, bad dreams still happen even to the most optimistic of us as sometimes it might be essential to attune to one's spiritual essence deeply to find the needed remedy.  In the end, the more we become spiritual and raise our vibrations, the more restful our sleep tends to become. Charoite, one of the stones for bad dreams, might encourage one to increase her vibrations.  ✨Charoite is believed to be one of the stones for nightmares ✨Unveil the gentle power of spirituality nurturing your spirit and cradling your dreams ✨ Embrace soothing energies of the Universe on your spiritual path ✨ Enhance emotional well-being as you amplify positive vibrations ✨ Drift calmly as you open yourself up to the loving embrace of oneness ✨ Originating from Yakutia, Russia, weighing 29 grams and measuring approximately 2.75 inches by 1.80 inches by 0.20 inches  

    1 - 2 week US, Canada Delivery, 1-3 week Elsewhere


  • Chrysocolla and Malachite: One of the Crystals for Mental Health

    Chrysocolla and Malachite: One of the Crystals for Mental Health

    1 - 2 week US, Canada Delivery, 1-3 week Elsewhere

    Chrysocolla and Malachite is one of the crystals for mental health. It seems to offer some metaphysical benefits for mental well-being.  This crystal might gently nudge you toward letting go of heavy feelings and emotions. Chrysocolla, often referred to as a 'forgiveness stone ', is believed to show a path towards forgiveness. Embrace mental health as you erase those heavy feelings! Teenagers and young people are especially looking for forgiveness. The benefits of the crystal might appeal to them. They might aspire reclaiming mental well-being, their birthright.    Free shipping on orders over CAD $100! ✨ Chrysocolla and Malachite – believed to be Crystals for Forgiveness  ✨ A gentle guide towards releasing guilt   ✨ Is believed to aid in letting go of bitterness and heavy feelings  ✨ Might enhance mental clarity   ✨ Inspires joy   ✨ You can embrace mental health well-being   ✨ Good size for any environment 100 grams, (3"x2"x1.8")   ✨ Mined from L’Etoile Du Congo Mine in Congo.

    1 - 2 week US, Canada Delivery, 1-3 week Elsewhere


  • Chrysocolla: One of the Empowering Stones for Throat Chakra

    Chrysocolla: One of the Empowering Stones for Throat Chakra

    1 - 2 week US, Canada Delivery, 1-3 week Elsewhere

    Chrysocolla is considered to be one of the best stones for throat chakra. This makes sense as it is believed to encourage clear and honest communication.  Chrysocolla, one of the stones for communication, is said to facilitate the smooth sharing of feelings and emotions. This fosters relationships built on trust, transparency, and mutual understanding, leading to healthier and more honest connections. Chrysocolla, the crystal for communication, might nudge you towards strengthening your connections as it is believed to foster open sharing. This versatile crystal can be placed in any space to encourage a harmonious environment.  ✨ Chrysocolla encourages honesty and harmony in relationships through communication. ✨ You might consider speaking openly about your feelings and emotions. ✨ Is believed to enhance relationships through fluent sharing. ✨ Weighs 17 grams; sourced from L’Etoile Du Congo Mine, Congo. ✨The mineral measures approximately 1.40 inches by 1.10 inches by 0.75 inches.  ✨ Please note that the crystal is conveniently secured to the stand (please see the pictures).   

    1 - 2 week US, Canada Delivery, 1-3 week Elsewhere


  • Comprehensive Western Natal Chart Reading

    Comprehensive Western Natal Chart Reading

    1 - 2 week US, Canada Delivery, 1-3 week Elsewhere

    Discover your Inner Essence, Life Calling, the Keys to Your Emotional Well-being and the Persona that you Portray to the World. The Western natal chart holds so much information. The basic trio, which is the Sun, the Moon, and the Ascendant, hold the keys to the above information, and they will be examined in this reading. They also reveal the life path chosen by the soul, the life themes you are to encounter on your life journey and the life lessons. The Detailed Horoscope will cover all of this.  Now, we start entering the domain of all the other astrological planets…. As we will be looking at the rest Your Calling in Life is not being determined by your Midheaven only, although your Midheaven is paramount. Of course, sign placement of Midheaven and aspects to Midheaven are of great significance, but other factors also come into consideration. You might wonder what your calling in life is, or perhaps you might want reassurance of whether you are on the right path in terms of your life calling. The reading will answer such a question. You can embrace your strengths, nurture your talents and abilities. You can take a comprehensive view of your strengths, talents and abilities with the Detailed Horoscope's help. But, what about weaknesses and predispositions? After all strengths are one side of the coin, but weaknesses and predispositions are another. What are you predisposed to? What are your weaknesses? Take a plunge into them and courageously face them with the horoscope by dob and time’s help.  The soulmate, or rather soul mates - those unique souls that aid you on your life journey are indeed important. They will be covered by this horoscope by dob and time as well. Their role in your spiritual growth is essential. You can recognize them by specific characteristics. There are relationship dynamics that you tend to exhibit in your relationships with your soulmates. What types of lessons did you come to learn in this lifetime in your relationship with your soul mate or soul mates? This is very important.  This is not it! The reading will look at other factors, such as love affairs, should this be something the natal chart pays attention to. Ultimately, the factors the natal chart emphasizes will also be covered.  In the end, the reading’s aim is to foster your spiritual and/or personal growth in this life- time. My only wish is that it will help you with this aim.   Please note that this email reading is written in PDF format; you will also receive the reading as text in the body of the email. In terms of the amount of information it covers, the reading is equivalent to a one-hour consultation. Also note that the current waiting time is 3 up to 5 days.  Upon receiving an order, I will email you within 24 hours for information about your date of birth, time of birth, and location of birth. I type the reading. No standardized or AI text is being used in the reading. Sincerely,   Nika White

    1 - 2 week US, Canada Delivery, 1-3 week Elsewhere


  • Comprehensive Yearly Horoscope By Date of Birth

    Comprehensive Yearly Horoscope By Date of Birth

    1 - 2 week US, Canada Delivery, 1-3 week Elsewhere

    Learn the lessons the Universe will teach you during the next twelve months. These lessons, if navigated successfully, are to propel your growth. Yearly horoscope by date of birth will illuminate their nature and their intricacies. The major astrological secondary progressions and major transits, which will be thoroughly analyzed, will dictate such lessons.  Embrace opportunities of the next year, for they are always welcome. Reveal their essence and origin.  The reading will also disclose challenges as they are part of almost everyone's life. Discover how to deal with those challenges effectively and in a manner that will contribute to your growth.  Experiences and events will surely disrupt the current of your life. Indeed, some of those experiences will bring a smile to your face. However, the events that won't contribute to your well-being would be addressed compassionately. In the end, this reading is meant for your spiritual benefit. Outer experiences and events are important. However, what about feelings and emotions?  An annual horoscope will comprehensively examine your emotional well-being, feelings, and inner experiences as well. While the Secondary Progressed Moon gives an overall tone for one's emotional well-being, other factors can modify this feeling.  Ultimately, this reading is meant to give you clarity regarding your life's direction and, hopefully, facilitate your spiritual and personal growth.  Please note that this reading is an email reading. It will be delivered as a PDF file and as text in the body of the email.  I type the reading and do not use standardized or AI-generated text in the reading.  The reading is equivalent to a one-hour consultation in terms of the amount of information it provides.  Please note that the current waiting time is 3 up to 5 days.  Also note that I will email you within 1 day of receiving your order to inquire about your day of birth, time of birth, and location of birth.    Sincerely,   Nika White

    1 - 2 week US, Canada Delivery, 1-3 week Elsewhere


  • Crystal for Throat Chakra, Blue Gibbsite

    Crystal for Throat Chakra, Blue Gibbsite

    1 - 2 week US, Canada Delivery, 1-3 week Elsewhere

    This Gibbsite mineral comes from Wenshan, Yunnan, China. It is a rare find and Gibbsite mineral is believed to be for the Throat Chakra. The mineral weighs 20 grams and it has the following dimensions: 1.60 inches by 1.10 inches by 0.60 inches. The throat chakra is about self-expression. It is very important to be able to express ourselves verbally. To be honest is to be true to ourselves. If only we could verbally be assertive, not submissive, not aggressive, but right in the middle. Sometimes, others try to turn off our voices or we ourselvers turn off our voices as we are afraid that others might not want to hear us. But the throat chakra crystals inspire us to speak our truth, to express ourselves. They encourage us to be assertive. 

    1 - 2 week US, Canada Delivery, 1-3 week Elsewhere


  • Crystal to Help with Stress, Actinolite from Vermont USA

    Crystal to Help with Stress, Actinolite from Vermont USA

    1 - 2 week US, Canada Delivery, 1-3 week Elsewhere

    You might consider viewing the Video to see how this crystal sparkles.  Actinolite is believed to help with stress. It is believed to protect the heart, not necessarily from heartache but from negativity, and stress. The heart needs to be shielded. The stakes are high. When the heart gets hurt, the world loses its colour. Everything becomes bleak. It becomes difficult to open up again. And the heart needs to open up! You need to love again, to live! Not just exist! But to live fully.  When you get too stressed out, your heart gets negatively impacted by too much stress - you might energetically "shut down." You might become unresponsive, cold, not so open.  And, no one can blame you. This is just a natural reaction. This is what stress does to you. The actinolite crystal is believed to help one keep her heart open. The actinolite crystal can help you  manage that stress, not let stress get to you. So you can stay authentic and enjoy your life!  Specifics, Size and Dimensions: This Actinolite crystal comes from Edenville, Vermont. This mineral weighs 39.50 grams and it measures 2.80 inches by 1.00 inches by 0.70 inches.   

    1 - 2 week US, Canada Delivery, 1-3 week Elsewhere


  • Dark Purple Crystal: Exploring Turkish Amethyst's Charm

    Dark Purple Crystal: Exploring Turkish Amethyst's Charm

    1 - 2 week US, Canada Delivery, 1-3 week Elsewhere

    Unveil the charm with a dark purple crystal straight from Turkey. Embark on an adventure with the mesmerizing glow of amethyst crystal purple. Imagine holding a piece of the earth's hidden treasure. This purple crystal stone isn't just a pretty rock. It’s a piece of Turkey's wild beauty, ready to brighten your space. Feel inspired with every glance at its captivating sparkle. Let this Turkish gem boost your mood and your room’s vibe. Embrace your journey with the uplifting power of this gem. Your little slice of wonder awaits!   ✨ Authentic Turkish amethyst crystal ✨  Rich dark purple hue, natural sparkle ✨ Sizeable 98g crystal ✨ Ideal for collectors and enthusiasts ✨  Sourced from Alacam Amethyst Mine ✨  Adds enchanting beauty to any space ✨  Believed to have uplifting healing properties ✨  Emblematic purple crystal measuring 3.50" x 2.60" x 0.80  ✨ Free Shipping on an Order of CAD $100 or More     

    1 - 2 week US, Canada Delivery, 1-3 week Elsewhere


  • Discover High Quality Amethyst Slabs from Turkey

    Discover High Quality Amethyst Slabs from Turkey

    1 - 2 week US, Canada Delivery, 1-3 week Elsewhere

    Are you ready to elevate your crystal collection with a stunning piece of high quality amethyst from Turkey? Look no further than this exquisite amethyst slab, weighing 93 grams and measuring 3.60 inches by 2.50 inches by 0.35 inches. Each unique slab is a work of art from nature, showcasing the mesmerizing beauty and energy of amethyst. Let this piece inspire you to harness the calming and protective properties of amethyst in your daily life. Bring a touch of luxury and positivity into your space with these beautiful amethyst slabs from Turkey.  

    1 - 2 week US, Canada Delivery, 1-3 week Elsewhere


  • Discover Magic: Phantom Amethyst Healing Stone's Elegance

    Discover Magic: Phantom Amethyst Healing Stone's Elegance

    1 - 2 week US, Canada Delivery, 1-3 week Elsewhere

    Unveil the allure of Phantom Amethyst, a gem teeming with mystery. A natural amethyst crystal elevates any collection; its mystic hues a marvel created timelessly by Earth's artistry. Each Amethyst tells its own story, formed over the eons, whispers of the past entwined within. Embrace the intriguing power of an amethyst healing stone, believed to soothingly cradle emotions. Let this striking crystal be a beacon in your journey towards tranquility—a perfect addition igniting curiosity and charm in your haven.   ✨Explore the enchantment of Namibian amethyst with phantoms. ✨Dive into the allure of the sought-after healing stone. ✨Flaunt a rare natural amethyst, a sparkle in any collection. ✨Stand spellbound by Namibian amethyst’s unique phantom characteristics. ✨Embrace the wonder, weighing 43 grams of pure marvel. ✨Perfectly sized for appreciation, 1.80" x 1.20" x 1.05". ✨Free Shipping on Orders of CAD $100 or More    

    1 - 2 week US, Canada Delivery, 1-3 week Elsewhere



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