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8 products

  • Amber Crystal from Ukraine

    Amber Crystal from Ukraine

    1 - 2 week US, Canada Delivery, 1-3 week Elsewhere

    This authentic Amber crystal from Ukraine weighs 35.80 carats. It has the following dimensions: 2.00 inches by 1.00 inches by 0.70 inches.   Amber Crystal Meaning: Amber is believed to possess powerful properties that can aid in the manifestation process. As a fossilized resin, amber holds the energetic essence of the Earth and carries ancient wisdom. Its vibrant energy and connection to the sun make it a favored stone for those seeking to manifest their desires and attract positive outcomes. Let's explore why amber is thought to be helpful in the manifestation journey. One of the key ways in which amber supports manifestation is by amplifying intention and positive energy. Amber is known for its ability to enhance personal power and boost confidence. By wearing or working with amber, individuals can align their intention with its energetic vibration, strengthening their focus and determination. This heightened energy can help individuals maintain a positive mindset and attract the desired outcomes they seek to manifest. Additionally, amber's warm and sunny energy is believed to raise vibrational frequencies and attract positive outcomes. Its energetic resonance with the sun's life-giving energy brings a sense of warmth. By working with amber, individuals can tap into this radiant energy, aligning themselves with the positivity of the universe. This alignment can help open doors and manifest positive outcomes in various areas of life.

    1 - 2 week US, Canada Delivery, 1-3 week Elsewhere


  • Amber Crystal from Ukraine

    Amber Crystal from Ukraine

    1 - 2 week US, Canada Delivery, 1-3 week Elsewhere

    This authentic Amber crystal from Ukraine weights 41.73 carats. It has the following dimensions: 1.70 inches by 1.10 inches by 0.50 inches.   Amber Crystal Meaning: Amber has a strong connection to the solar plexus chakra. Let's explore how amber's energetic properties align with and support the solar plexus chakra. One of the primary roles of the solar plexus chakra is to empower individuals to assert their desires. Amber's energy encourages a sense of self-belief, confidence, and personal power. It strengthens the qualities associated with the solar plexus chakra, such as determination, courage, and motivation. By stimulating the solar plexus chakra, amber helps individuals tap into their inner reservoirs of strength and drive, allowing them to pursue their aspirations with passion and enthusiasm. Additionally, the solar plexus chakra is closely related to self-esteem and self-worth. When the solar plexus chakra is in balance, individuals have a healthy sense of self and value their unique qualities and abilities. Amber's energy promotes self-acceptance, self-confidence, and a positive self-image. It helps individuals recognize and embrace their inherent worth. 

    1 - 2 week US, Canada Delivery, 1-3 week Elsewhere


  • Amber Crystal from Lithuania

    Amber Crystal from Lithuania

    1 - 2 week US, Canada Delivery, 1-3 week Elsewhere

    This authentic Amber crystal from Lithuania weights 5.00 carats. It has the following dimensions: 1.00 inch by 0.95 inches by 0.35 inches.   Amber Crystal Meaning: Amber is often regarded as a stone that brings luck and good fortune to those who wear or work with it. Its connection to the sun is believed to attract positive energy and opportunities. Let's explore the potential role of amber in bringing luck and enhancing one's fortune. Amber's association with luck stems from its connection to the sun, which is often seen as a symbol of abundance. The sun's energy is considered highly auspicious, and amber, with its golden hues, is believed to carry that fortunate energy. By working with amber, individuals can align themselves with the positive and abundant energies of the sun, inviting luck and good fortune into their lives. One way amber is believed to bring luck is by attracting opportunities. Its energetic vibration is said to create a magnetic field that draws in positive circumstances. This can manifest as an increased likelihood of being at the right place at the right time, meeting helpful people, or stumbling upon opportunities that align with one's desires. By wearing or keeping amber close, individuals may enhance their chances of encountering lucky situations.

    1 - 2 week US, Canada Delivery, 1-3 week Elsewhere


  • Amber Crystal from Lithuania

    Amber Crystal from Lithuania

    1 - 2 week US, Canada Delivery, 1-3 week Elsewhere

    This authentic Amber crystal from Lithuania weights 7.70 carats. It has the following dimensions: 0.95 inches by 0.60 inches by 0.45 inches.   Amber Crystal Meaning: One of the primary healing aspects of amber lies in its ability to bring balance and stability to the energetic body. It is believed to cleanse and purify the aura, helping to remove energetic blockages. By working with amber, individuals can experience a sense of energetic renewal and find relief from imbalances or disruptions within their energy field. Amber is often associated with physical healing, particularly in relation to the immune system and overall vitality. Its energy is said to stimulate the body's natural healing processes, supporting the immune system and assisting in the recovery from illness or injury. Amber's energetic properties are thought to enhance the body's ability to heal itself, promoting a sense of well-being and boosting overall physical vitality. Furthermore, amber's soothing energy is believed to ease physical discomfort and pain. It is often used to address issues such as inflammation, arthritis, and joint pain. By wearing or placing amber on the affected area, individuals may experience a reduction in pain symptoms and an overall improvement in their physical well-being. Amber's gentle vibration is thought to bring comfort and relief to the body, assisting in physical healing processes.

    1 - 2 week US, Canada Delivery, 1-3 week Elsewhere


  • Amber Crystal from Lithuania

    Amber Crystal from Lithuania

    1 - 2 week US, Canada Delivery, 1-3 week Elsewhere

    This authentic Amber crystal from Lithuania weights 5.19 carats. It has the following dimensions: 1.00 inch by 0.50 inches by 0.45 inches.   Amber Crystal Meaning: Amber's connection to the sacral chakra, the energy center located in the lower abdomen, is significant for emotional healing. The sacral chakra governs emotions, creativity, and relationships. When this chakra is balanced, individuals experience a healthy flow of emotions and an ability to connect with their creativity and personal relationships in a harmonious way. Amber's energy resonates with the sacral chakra, promoting emotional healing, fostering self-acceptance, and encouraging a release of emotional blockages. It can aid individuals in processing and healing emotional wounds, bringing a sense of emotional balance and well-being. Moreover, amber is often used as a tool for meditation and grounding practices, helping individuals find inner stillness. In spiritual healing, amber is believed to awaken ancient wisdom and facilitate a connection with past lives. Its connection to ancient forests and the flow of time can assist individuals in accessing deep spiritual insights and understanding. Amber is thought to bring clarity and insight into past experiences, allowing for healing and growth on a soul level.

    1 - 2 week US, Canada Delivery, 1-3 week Elsewhere


  • Amber Crystal from Lithuania

    Amber Crystal from Lithuania

    1 - 2 week US, Canada Delivery, 1-3 week Elsewhere

    This authentic Amber crystal from Lithuania weights 7.10 carats. It has the following dimensions: 1.10 inches by 0.70 inches by 0.35 inches.   Amber Crystal Meaning: Amber is considered favorable for individuals with the Sun in Cancer due to its energetic resonance with the unique qualities and characteristics associated with this astrological placement. The Sun in Cancer represents emotional sensitivity, nurturing instincts, and a deep connection to family and home. Let's explore why amber is believed to be favorable for those with the Sun in Cancer and its potential benefits. One reason amber is favored for individuals with the Sun in Cancer is its ability to provide comfort and emotional support. Cancers are known for their nurturing nature and strong emotional connections. Amber's energy aligns with Cancer's desire for emotional security and nurturing. It offers a sense of comfort, helping Cancers navigate their inner world with greater ease and stability. Moreover, amber's giving properties are beneficial for those with the Sun in Cancer who have a strong inclination towards caring for others. Cancers often prioritize the well-being of their loved ones and can easily absorb the emotions of those around them. Amber helps to guard against emotional overwhelm and promoting self-care. By working with Amber, individuals with the Sun in Cancer can enhance their ability to care for themselves while still nurturing and supporting others.

    1 - 2 week US, Canada Delivery, 1-3 week Elsewhere


  • Amber Crystal from Lithuania

    Amber Crystal from Lithuania

    1 - 2 week US, Canada Delivery, 1-3 week Elsewhere

    This authentic Amber crystal from Lithuania weights 4.87 carats. It has the following dimensions: 1.20 inches by 0.45 inches by 0.40 inches   Amber Crystal Meaning: Amber is considered beneficial for individuals with the Sun in Leo due to its energetic resonance with the qualities and characteristics associated with this astrological placement. The Sun in Leo represents confidence, creativity, leadership, and a radiant sense of self. Let's explore why amber is believed to be beneficial for those with the Sun in Leo. One of the primary reasons why amber is favored for individuals with the Sun in Leo is its ability to enhance personal-self-assurance. Leos are known for their natural charisma and strong sense of self. Amber's empowering energy aligns with Leo's desire for self-expression and self-assurance. By working with amber, individuals can harness this energetic vibration, enhancing their personal magnetism. Moreover, amber's warm energy is believed to align perfectly with the fiery nature of Leo. Leos are known as passionate and charismatic individuals who exude a warm and radiant presence.  By working with amber, individuals with the Sun in Leo can tap into  fiery energy and amplify their natural charisma, creativity, and overall vitality.

    1 - 2 week US, Canada Delivery, 1-3 week Elsewhere


  • Amber Crystal from Lithuania

    Amber Crystal from Lithuania

    1 - 2 week US, Canada Delivery, 1-3 week Elsewhere

    This authentic Amber crystal from Lithuania weighs 13.00 carats and measures 1.25 inches by 0.70 inches by 0.30 inches.   Amber Crystal Meaning: Amber, with its fascinating properties and versatility, is available in various hues ranging from bright orange to pale yellow. This wide range of colors adds to the allure and beauty of this precious gemstone. The diverse palette of amber allows for a multitude of creative expressions, making it a popular choice not only for jewelry but also for other artistic and decorative pieces. One common and well-known use of amber is in jewelry-making. Its unique colors and translucency make it a captivating gemstone that can be crafted into various jewelry pieces such as earrings, necklaces, bracelets, and rings. The warm and vibrant glow of amber adds an exquisite touch to any ensemble, whether it be a formal occasion or everyday wear. Its versatility as a gemstone allows for both bold and delicate designs to be created, making it suitable for a wide range of preferences. Apart from jewelry, amber also finds its way into the realm of visual arts. It is often used by artists to create stunning paintings, sculptures, and other art pieces. The warm and rich tones of amber can be incorporated into works of art to add depth, luminosity, and a touch of mystique. Whether used as paint pigments, crushed into powder form for mixed media techniques, or sculpted into intricate designs, amber brings a unique visual element to the artistic expression.  

    1 - 2 week US, Canada Delivery, 1-3 week Elsewhere




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