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    Aquamarine with Muscovite from Pakistan, Shigar Valley

    Aquamarine with Muscovite from Pakistan, Shigar Valley

    1 - 2 week US, Canada Delivery, 1-3 week Elsewhere

    This aquamarine gem weighs 23 grams and is approximately 1.80 inches by 0.75 inches by 0.75 inches. It was mined in Pakistan's Shigar Valley.  Aquamarine Crystal Properties: Aquamarine is believed to have properties that can help individuals in their journey towards non-judgment. Let's explore how aquamarine can assist in fostering a non-judgmental mindset. Firstly, aquamarine's contemplative energy helps to turn attention inward. When we are in a state of inner calmness, it becomes easier to pause and reflect before passing judgment on others. Aquamarine encourages us to go with the flow and adapt to different situations. By embodying this fluidity, we can let go of rigid judgments and expectations, allowing space for understanding and acceptance to emerge. Additionally, aquamarine's energy can help us release judgmental beliefs and biases. It has a centering effect on the energies around us, allowing us to let go of preconceived notions and prejudices. By working with aquamarine, we can become more aware of our own biases and actively challenge them, fostering a more inclusive and non-judgmental mindset. To incorporate aquamarine into your practice of embracing non-judgment, consider wearing it as jewelry or carrying a small tumbled stone with you. Create moments of stillness and reflection, holding the intention of cultivating compassion and understanding towards others. You can also place aquamarine near your workspace or meditation area to infuse the energy of non-judgment into your surroundings. It's important to remember that cultivating a non-judgmental mindset is an ongoing practice that requires self-awareness and conscious effort. Aquamarine can serve as a helpful tool and reminder to approach others with empathy, compassion, and an open heart.  

    1 - 2 week US, Canada Delivery, 1-3 week Elsewhere


  • Aquamarine with Muscovite from Pakistan, Shigar Valley

    Aquamarine with Muscovite from Pakistan, Shigar Valley

    1 - 2 week US, Canada Delivery, 1-3 week Elsewhere

    This aquamarine gem weighs 98.70 carats, and it has the following approximate dimensions: 1.30 inches by 0.80 inches by 0.80 inches. It was mined in Pakistan, Shigar Valley.  Aquamarine Crystal Properties: Aquamarine is believed to enhance sensitivity in various ways. Let's explore some of the ways aquamarine can increase sensitivity and attunement. Emotional Sensitivity: Aquamarine can enhance emotional sensitivity. It can assist in heightening awareness of one's own emotions and the emotions of others. By promoting a pensive state, aquamarine allows individuals to become more attuned to their feelings and the feelings of others. Energetic Sensitivity: Sensitive individuals often have a heightened awareness of energy and can easily pick up on the vibrations in their environment. Aquamarine's energy can amplify this energetic sensitivity, making it easier to sense and discern different energies. This heightened awareness can allow individuals to protect their energy and engage in more harmonious energetic exchanges. Sensitivity to Nature: Aquamarine also enhances sensitivity to the natural world. It can deepen the connection with bodies of water, such as oceans, lakes, and rivers, and evoke a sense of kinship with the elements. This sensitivity to nature can foster a greater appreciation for the environment and a desire to protect and care for it. It's important to note that while aquamarine may amplify sensitivity in these various aspects, everyone's experience with the stone can be unique. Some individuals may find themselves more attuned to their emotions or energy when working with aquamarine, while others may experience different effects or resonate more with other stones.    

    1 - 2 week US, Canada Delivery, 1-3 week Elsewhere


  • Aquamarine from Pakistan, Shigar Valley

    Aquamarine from Pakistan, Shigar Valley

    1 - 2 week US, Canada Delivery, 1-3 week Elsewhere

    This aquamarine gem weighs 96.60 carats and is approximately 1.10 inches by 0.85 inches by 0.80 inches. It was mined in Pakistan's Shigar Valley.  Aquamarine Crystal Properties: Aquamarine is believed to have the ability to open and enhance clairvoyant abilities.  Let's explore how aquamarine can support and stimulate clairvoyance. Third Eye Activation: Aquamarine is often associated with the third eye chakra, the energy center located in the center of the forehead. This chakra is closely linked to the development of clairvoyant abilities. By wearing or working with aquamarine in meditation, you can help activate and balance the third eye chakra, creating a conducive environment for clairvoyant insights. Enhancing Inner Sight: Aquamarine's energy is believed to enhance inner sight. It can help you perceive images, scenes, or symbols with greater clarity and detail with your inner sight. By working with aquamarine, you can tap into your inner vision and develop the capacity to perceive beyond the physical realm. Purifying and Clearing: Aquamarine is believed to have a clearing effect on the energetic body. It can assist in releasing any negative or stagnant energy that may inhibit clairvoyant perception. By working with aquamarine, you can create an open, energetic space that supports clairvoyant experiences. Remember that developing clairvoyant abilities is a personal journey, and results may vary for each individual. It's essential to trust your own intuitive guidance and proceed at your own pace. Be patient and allow the process to unfold naturally. To enhance your clairvoyant abilities with aquamarine, consider meditating with the crystal, placing it on your third eye during energy work or visualization exercises, or wearing it as jewelry to keep its energy close to you throughout the day. Experiment and find the practices that resonate best with you.

    1 - 2 week US, Canada Delivery, 1-3 week Elsewhere


  • Aquamarine from Pakistan, Skardu

    Aquamarine from Pakistan, Skardu

    1 - 2 week US, Canada Delivery, 1-3 week Elsewhere

    This aquamarine gem weighs 63.80 carats, and it has the following approximate dimensions: 1.10 inches by 0.80 inches by 0.75 inches. It was mined in Pakistan, Skardu.  Aquamarine Crystal Properties: Aquamarine can be a supportive ally during shadow work, which refers to the exploration and integration of the unconscious aspects of ourselves, including unresolved issues and hidden patterns. Let's explore how aquamarine can assist and guide you through this transformative inner journey. Emotional Support: Shadow work often involves delving into hidden patterns. Aquamarine's energy can provide comfort and support during this process, helping you navigate through hidden emotional patterns with greater ease. Its vibrations can create a safe space for you to explore and process your emotional patterns, such as unresolved anger, allowing for healing and transformation. Enhanced Self-Understanding: Aquamarine's energy fosters self-understanding. As you work with this crystal during shadow work, it can help you develop a deeper understanding of your subconscious patterns and the root causes of your shadow aspects. This increased self-understanding is essential for uncovering and integrating the shadow aspects of yourself. Supportive Energy Space: Aquamarine's energy creates a nurturing environment that fosters self-care. As you engage in shadow work, it's crucial to create a safe and supportive energetic space for yourself. Aquamarine's presence can help you establish and maintain this space, providing a supportive backdrop for your deep inner work. To incorporate aquamarine into your shadow work practice, you can wear it as jewelry, carry a small tumbled stone, or place it on your altar or workspace during your shadow work sessions. Meditating with aquamarine or holding it in your hand while journaling can also enhance its supportive energy. Remember that shadow work is a deeply personal and transformative journey. It's important to approach it with self-compassion, patience, and a willingness to embrace the parts of yourself that may be challenging. Aquamarine can be an uplifting companion during this process, helping you navigate the depths of your shadow with grace and understanding. Copy textPaste at editor cursor  Use our AI suggest

    1 - 2 week US, Canada Delivery, 1-3 week Elsewhere


  • Etched Aquamarine from Pakistan, Skardu

    Etched Aquamarine from Pakistan, Skardu

    1 - 2 week US, Canada Delivery, 1-3 week Elsewhere

    This aquamarine gem weighs 57.00 carats, and it has the following approximate dimensions: 1.10 inches by 0.80 inches by 0.70 inches. It was mined in Pakistan, Skardu.  Aquamarine Crystal Properties: Aquamarine is believed to have the ability to increase vibrations and elevate one's energetic frequency. Let's explore how aquamarine can support and enhance vibrational energy. Inviting Positive Emotions: Aquamarine's energy invites positive emotions associated with higher chakras. Higher chakra emotions are high vibrational, and they elevate one's energetic frequency.  Alignment with True Essence and Purpose:  Aquamarine helps you align with your true essence and purpose. As you align with your true essence and purpose, your overall energetic vibration naturally increases. To incorporate aquamarine into your practice of raising vibrations, you can wear it as jewelry, meditate with it, or place it near your workspace or meditation area. Hold the intention of aligning with higher frequencies and allow aquamarine's energy to support and enhance your energetic vibration.

    1 - 2 week US, Canada Delivery, 1-3 week Elsewhere




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